Here we report on the progress of the leading builders in the zkVM space, documenting recent significant releases, technical breakthroughs and general updates
@RiscZero announced improvements to its zkVM, making it more efficient with seven new precompiles. @AutomataNetwork reduced cycles from 30M to 5.4M using P256 (5.5x), @malda_xyz cut from 11M to 4M with Keccak (2.75x), and @TokemakXYZ improved from 91M to 29M (3.13x). More upgrades, including new circuits and enhanced parallelization, are coming
They also announced multiple partnerships:
- With @EclipseFND to adapt Kailua for bringing ZK fraud proofs to the SVM. This hybrid approach enhances L1 finality times and opens the possibility for transitioning to a full validity rollup, improving security and efficiency for developers and users:…
- With @NethermindSec to formally verify Zirgen-based ZK circuits. This collaboration paves the way for deeper verification, potentially aligning the ZK circuit with formal RISC-V semantics in Lean, developed by Galois and Lindy Labs:…
- With @build_on_bob to secure their BitVM Bridge with ZKPs. Kailua’s integration strengthens bridge security, lowers operational costs, and sets the foundation for Bitcoin-native validity proofs, supporting hybrid L2s powered by Bitcoin:…
- With @malda_xyz to power their incentivized testnet. By leveraging the RISC Zero zkVM, Malda enables secure cross-chain lending with low latency, solving liquidity fragmentation in DeFi. Future integration with Boundless will enhance proof liveness, delivery, and interoperability across multiple chains:…
- @boundless_xyz is connecting Bitcoin to all chains, supporting @citrea_xyz, BOB, @union_build, @layeredge, @BitlayerLabs, @fiamma_labs, @BTC_OS, and more. This support enhances liquidity, reduces proving costs by 99%, and allows Bitcoin to serve as a settlement layer for apps:…
Lastly, RISC Zero and Boundless served as sponsors of the recent @Zk_Hub_Global at @EthereumDenver.Notably, @Xi_195, VP of Product at RISC Zero, together with Barnabas Kiss, Co-founder of @malda_xyz, presented a talk titled "Scaling Universal ZeFi: How Malda and RISC Zero are Unlocking Boundless Execution". Timestamp - 01:57:11:
@ProjectZKM shared three major articles covering various technical elements of ZK:
1. The Plonky2 Recursive Zero-Knowledge Proof - explaining how recursive proofs efficiently combine multiple proofs into one, improving blockchain scalability and verification speed while highlighting key components like FRI and Goldilocks fields:…
2. Lookup Argument (Logup) and Code Analysis - describing how Logup reduces circuit complexity through efficient lookup protocols and code functions for validation:…
3. An overview of zkVMs - focusing on using proofs for privacy and correctness in computation, and their role in rollups, verifiable computing, and blockchain scaling:…
Additionally, ZKM were a key sponsor of the recent @Zk_Hub_Global, where their team actively participated in multiple talks and panels, notably:
@sd_eigen, Developer Lead at ZKM, took part in the "Ethproofs" panel, focused on sharing insights from the EthProofs initiative and its role in the future of @ethereum block execution proofs, alongside leading speakers from @o1_labs, @KakarotZkEvm, and @Snarkify_ZKP:…
On the second day, Stephen joined a panel on the current state of zkVMs alongside speakers from @alignedlayer, @0xLita, @zksync, and @ligero_inc, before @vanhger, ZK Engineer at ZKM, gave an Introduction to the zkMIPS precomplile.
Finally, @DacEconomy, Co-founder and Chief Scientist of ZKM, participated in the panel "The Future of ZK" with core representatives of @arbitrum, @fermah_xyz, @VeridiseInc, and @MantaNetwork.
@0xLita team has enabled client-side proving and verification using its Valida zkVM, allowing ZKPs to be created directly in web browsers. This approach enhances privacy and security since sensitive data stays on user devices. By compiling Valida to WASM and optimizing for limited resources, users can build trustless light clients, private transactions, and decentralized identity solutions:…
Additionally, @m_ratsim, Cryptography Engineer at Lita, participated in @Zk_Hub_Global, organized by @HouseofZK as part of @EthereumDenver, to discuss the current state of zkVMs alongside other participants from @alignedlayer, @ProjectZKM, @zksync, and @ligero_inc. Timestamp - 00:44:58:
Leading @a16zcrypto researcher, @SuccinctJT, published an article detailing why zkVMs face fundamental security and performance challenges:…
He outlines a multi-stage roadmap: security stages focus on formally verifying zkVM protocols, verifiers, and provers, while performance stages aim to gradually reduce prover overhead - currently about a million times slower than native execution - through defined targets, including strict proof size and verification time limits.
Thaler emphasizes that zkVMs are far from ready, requiring years of work to meet these milestones, and warns against industry claims that overstate current capabilities.
@ligero_inc featured as a major sponsor of @Zk_Hub_Global, a House of ZK event recently held at @EthereumDenver:…
Muthu Venkitasubramaniam, CEO of Ligero, participated prominently in the event, most notably with a captivating talk titled 'ZK: Redefining Zero-Knowledge - Build in Any Language, Prove on Any Device, All from Your Browser'.
On the second day, Muthu joined a panel discussion on the current state of zkVMs alongside key figures from @alignedlayer, @ProjectZKM, @0xLita, and @zksync.
@portport255, Core Contributor at @the_matter_labs, recently featured at House of ZK's flagship ZK Hub event, opening a session titled 'The State of zkVMs' and giving a deeply insightful talk of the same name:…
Shortly after his presentation, Porter joined a panel discussion on the same topic alongside speakers from @alignedlayer, @ProjectZKM, @0xLita, and @ligero_inc. Timestamp - 00:44:58:…
@zksync was a major sponsor of @Zk_Hub_Global, recently held as part of the main @EthereumDenver event.
@SuccinctLabs introduced OP Succinct Lite, a ZK fraud proof system for OP Stack rollups. Unlike full ZK Rollups, Lite uses ZKPs only in disputes, reducing dispute costs to 5-15 ETH and shortening finality to one day. It simplifies implementation without altering any core components. Launch partners include @AutomataNetwork, @Donatuz_, @0xFacet, and @perenniallabs. Audits are underway, with open-source code available for teams ready to integrate:…
In other news, @HerodotusDev developer @0xpiapark recently participated in the recent Succinct ZK Residency building 'hdp-sp1 , a ZK-coprocessor using SP1 to access verified onchain data. Compared to the Cairo version, SP1’s Rust-based zkVM enabled faster development and simpler data handling. Park noted SP1’s strong SDK, proof system, and developer-friendly design, finishing the project in under a month:…
Finally, at the 'Upgrade the Internet' hackathon, co-organized by Succinct, @celestia, and @conduitxyz during @EthereumDenver, @saugardev and @0xRouss built a browser-based image editor using SP1. The editor generates ZKPs for every edit, creating a verifiable chain of changes. A Rust library, API, and smart contract enable verification and storage of image history on-chain:
@NexusLabs announced the Nexus zkVM 3.0, a fully rewritten zkVM with formal specification and modular architecture for RISC-V programs. Using the Stwo prover, it's claimed to run about 1000 times faster than earlier versions, with the new Rust-based runtime simplifying development and proof generation. Nexus zkVM 3.0 is open-source, with specialist tools for creating, running, and verifying proofs:
Additionally, the Nexus Network Testnet II recently drew to a close, with more than 2.1 million users and 3.6 million nodes joining, contributing significant computing power. Participants earned NEX Points, deployed smart contracts, and tested wallet connections.
Nexus has now moved to devnet mode for continued development and experimentation:
@brevis_zk recently featured as a major sponsor of @Zk_Hub_Global, organised by @HouseofZK during @EthereumDenver:…
@succinct_li, CSO at Brevis, delivered a presentation that perfectly bridged the zkVM session with the the Proving Services session, introducing Pico - a modular and high-performance zkVM recently released by Brevis.
Alan also recorded an in-person @HouseofZK Radio episode, which is set for release in near future.